Partners in Forestry Landowner Cooperative


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Benefits of Membership


Click here to print the Application for Membership


Partners In Forestry Co-Op (PIF)


Membership Application


The mission of Partners In Forestry is “To assist members in the sustainable management

of their woodlands and advocate for forest conservation on the greater landscape.”


New members receive a free copy of:

The Northwoods Forest Conservation: A Handbook


Timber Management Field Guide from the USDA Forest Service


Name (Please Print) _____________________________________________________________


Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________


Phone Number ____________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________


Email: ________________________________________________________________________


Type of Ownership:     ____Individual      ____Trust      ____ Partnership      ____ other


Total Number of wooded acres: ________


Location of Property or Properties by Township, Range, and Section Numbers as shown on

your county’s plat book as well as the total number of wooded acres.


            Example:         T.43N – R.8E – S.28    Number of wooded acres: 459.7


If you have multiple parcels, please list them separately.  If parcels are less than 15 acres, it

would be helpful to also provide the county parcel numbers.


1.  _________________________________________________________Acres______________


    Town/Township: ______________________       County: ______________        State: ______


2.  _________________________________________________________Acres______________


   Town/Township: ______________________        County: ______________        State: ______


3. _________________________________________________________Acres______________


   Town/Township: ______________________        County: ______________        State: ______


4. _________________________________________________________Acres______________


   Town/Township: ______________________        County: ______________        State: ______


(Continued on back)

Land History

 Are you enrolled in a Forest Tax Program?                           ___ Yes            ___ No


            Wisconsin:      ___ MFL         or         ___ Forest Crop Law


            Michigan:       ___ CFR          or         ___ Qualified Forest


Do you have a written forest management plan?                  ___ Yes            ___ No


If yes, when was it written? _____________________________________


Who prepared it?                    DNR Forester


                                               Industrial Forester




Would you be willing to permit your land to be surveyed for invasive species without any


obligation to you?       ___ Yes           ___ No



The information I have provided in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Land Owner Signature ___________________________________________________


Date _________________________________



Please return application information

and annual membership dues of $25 minimum to:               Partners In Forestry

                                                                                               6063 Baker Lake Rd.

                                                                                               Conover, WI 54519